This website is a hub where you can get to all of the numerous projects I have going on at any given time. In addition to this blog, I’m currently doing the following:

  • PINK DOT CREATIVE. This is an umbrella name for various creative endeavors of mine. Right now the focus is primarily on my Etsy shop where I sell wall art of all kinds for your home or office, and my TeePublic store CinĂ©astees, where I sell film-related t-shirts and other items.
  • MOVIE POSTER DESIGN. This is my most recent passion and one that I’m pursuing in earnest until I at least find myself working as a freelancer in the field. I’ve loved movies my whole life (seeing Star Wars in a theater is my first memory), and design is what I’ve done for a living for the past twenty years, so it seems perfect that I’d put these two things together to make work that really excites me. My ever-growing portfolio of poster work can be found here.
  • THE WEEKLY THROWDOWN PODCAST. I talk about film any chance I get, so a friend and I decided it would be fun to do that in front of microphones. Enter the Weekly Movie Throwdown podcast. I had the idea for this type of show last year and it has now been realized. My co-host Mike and I pick a monthly theme and each week we discuss a film that falls inside of it. The show is super fun to do and to listen to.
  • WEEKLY TRIPLE FEATURE. Years ago I wrote about film for a local alt-weekly newspaper. Turns out I really missed doing that, so I started this website where I program a series of three films every week with a connection of some sort. There is also supplemental content throughout the week. If you want some interesting recommendations about things to watch and want to take a little deeper dive on them, check out Weekly Triple Feature.
  • BOOK DESIGN. This has been my day job for years, and I also do it from time to time on a freelance basis. I don’t quite enjoy it as much as my other projects anymore, but it’s still very interesting and creatively challenging. You can view my book design portfolio here. And in addition, my wife Laura and I have started Action Book Packaging, a company offering both copyediting/proofreading and design services for new authors who are interested in self-publishing.
  • PLANT-BASED FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY. Over the past few years, I’ve started a business in this field and have worked for vegan publications like VegNews and Vegan Food and Living, as well as for the United States Humane Society. It’s a lot of fun and I really love growing as a photographer. Here is the link to my food photography portfolio.
  • THE NUT-FREE VEGAN. My love of food photography grew out of a blog that I started several years back. I’m allergic to tree nuts and found myself working around recipes and products which included them. In my early days with a plant-based diet this was a bit difficult as a lot of dairy replacements were nut-based. So it occurred to me one day that I was making all of these recipes for nut-free vegan dishes in my kitchen, but I could share them and hopefully encourage people with this same allergy who were considering a meat- and dairy-free diet. Thus, The Nut-Free Vegan was born. I post recipes on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and have a lot of fun with it.
  • MONKEYBICYCLE. In 2002, while living in Seattle, I founded a literary journal. This venture included regular live reading events, nine print issues, a few small awards, and the Monkeybicycle website, which continues to publish weekly fiction and author interviews.
  • WRITING. I’ve done a lot of this in various forms through the years. Here are a few samples: